This is a must see if you’re in the area of Gooseneck’s State Park in Utah.
Old train tunnel

Am I doing this right?

June 28th NEBDR Ride On Section 1
A quick day trip ridr on the NEBDR section 1. We got 3/4 of the way through but had to turn toward home because of heavy rain.
When your friend finds that slippery rock
KLR’s love taking naps!
4th of July, 2020 Weekend Camping Trip On The NEBDR
I’ve run most of section 1 a few times prior to this quick camping trip. This was my first camping trip on my 2007 KLR-650. Been camping plenty of times on the Delaware river with my kayak, so I was mostly familiar with what I needed to pack. Left after work on Friday and got home Sunday afternoon. Picked up the NEBDR about 2/3 of the way through section 1 and headed home about 10 or so miles into section 3.
If your interested in the NEBDR, check out there website, They have routes all over the country free to download.